When John was diagnosed with HIV in 1990, he never would have imagined he would still be alive today to celebrate his 50th birthday.
Twenty-three years later, he views his life with the sense of appreciation and perspective that can only come from someone forced to face his own mortality. “My life is a lot different,” he says, “but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
In this special WUOT documentary presentation, you'll meet John, Bob, Rhonda, Annisa and Ron. All five have lived for years within the shadow cast by this deadly disease. All five have emerged from the experience to share a compelling story of pain, rejection, resilience and hope.
"I'm Still Here: My HIV Life" was produced by Matt Shafer Powell and Leslie Snow. Original music was composed, recorded and mixed by Todd Steed. This program would not have been possible without invaluable support and assistance from Steve Jenkins, Leslie Blevins and Lindsey Richesin at Positively Living in Knoxville. Positively Living is a not-for-profit social service agency that provides housing and care for persons that are homeless and suffering with HIV/AIDS.
And special thanks to our participants, who trusted us with their stories in the interest of making life better for others with HIV and AIDS.
Click here to listen to our special episode of Dialogue featuring Annisa and Bob (recorded 11.06.13)
Tennessee Department of Health (HIV testing and counseling)
Southern HIV/AIDS Strategy Initiative
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Southern HIV/AIDS Strategy Initiative
US Department of Health and Human Services
Click here if you'd like to participate in a UT dissertation about HIV couples